PCCU Newsletter - March 2018

PCCU’s Hoosier Explorers Field Trip Fund Featured in Local Media

In February PCCU launched our Hoosier Explorers Field Trip Fund to support local public schools. We reached out to the schools and let them know that we will help pay transportation costs for fourth grade field trips within Indiana. We’ve already received and approved several requests from Blue River Schools. Both The Courier-Times and the Palladium-Item have picked up the story. You can also find out more at pccu.com. If you’re a local public school teacher…

March Loan Specials

PCCU has two loan specials to celebrate Spring’s arrival. During the month of March we’re offering a special rate of 2.39% when you purchase a used auto (2016 or Newer) with a credit score of 640 and higher. Terms up to 60 Months. Apply Now We’ve also got a promotional rate of 3.99% on Fixed Home Equity loans with 10 Year terms, available to members with credit scores of 640 and higher. Both offers end March 31,…

Teaching Your Children to Handle Money: Be Honest

Children are aware of money at an early age, long before they go to school. Interactive discussions-rather than lectures-are most helpful in teaching your kids about money. Allow kids to ask questions, express opinions, and have input on decisions. With young children it’s better to wait until they initiate discussions; even older children may be more receptive if they ask the question. Learn more about how you can get your children off to a good…

Member Surveys Are Out

We’ve sent survey postcards to thousands of members. If you’ve received one we’d appreciate you taking a couple of minutes to let us know what you think. The postcards are postage paid so you can just put in your mailbox, no need to worry about a stamp. You can also turn them in at any branch.

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