PCCU Newsletter - July 2018

Hoosier Explorers Trip Report – Ms. Brown’s Class Goes to Metamora

PCCU is proud to announce our second trip report back from the Hoosier Explorers Field Trip Fund. On Friday, May 25th, Ms. Kendra Brown took her fourth grade class from Vaile Elementary School in Richmond to visit Metamora, Indiana. They were able to learn first-hand about how Hoosiers lived in a canal town in 1838. Ms. Brown said, “Thanks to your generosity, we were able to take our Vaile Elementary 4th Graders to Metamora. Having…

New Member Referral Pays Dividends: You Could Win Too!

Rodney has been a member of PCCU since 1993. He referred a new member in February and received a $25 incentive for sharing membership. He was quite surprised when PCCU Member Relationship Manager Dava Dale called him in May to let him know that his referral had won him the drawing for the first quarter, and a grand prize of $1,000. Rodney plans to spend some of the money on updating his kitchen. Congratulations Rodney,…

Ice Cream Social Benefits Hoosier Explorers Field Trip Fund

On Friday, June 8th, PCCU offices hosted an ice cream social in all three of our offices in support of the Hoosier Explorers Field Trip Fund. Members were invited to enjoy a cup of ice cream and a visit to the fixings bar. There was no charge for these tasty treats, but a free-will donation of $2 was recommended. Thank you for your support of local students and teachers. By working together we can help them…

PCCU Education Director Kim Welch’s Money Matters Vlog

PCCU’s Education and Outreach Director Kim Welch has been serving members for more than twenty-five years. For more than a decade she has been going out into the community to bring financial education to members and non-members alike, wherever local people wanted to improve their financial literacy. Kim is passionate about helping people take control of their financial lives and build a better future for themselves and their families. She has always ventured out to…

Don’t Let Summer Slip Away, Skip-A-Pay!

Summer time is fun time, with vacations on tap for many families. Many members make paying for that vacation easier by having a bit of their direct deposit land in a Club account all year long. Some also plan to take a vacation from their loan payments. For a $25 fee many members are eligible to skip making a payment on their PCCU loan(s) for one month (thirty days). This frees up extra money for…

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