PCCU Newsletter - August 2018

Hoosier Explorers Fundraiser – Friday, August 31st

Your support of the Hoosier Explorers Field Trip Fund, that helps local public school students travel their state, has been impressive. Through the end of June members and employees have donated $766. We have been humbled and impressed by your overwhelming generosity. As we prepare for a new school year please continue supporting your local fourth graders. We are inviting you to enjoy a cookout at your local PCCU office on Friday, August 31st from…

PCCU Strikes Back in the Fight Against Fraud

On Friday, June 29th, our Information Services team was responding to a batch of fraud reports on members’ debit cards when they discovered that PCCU’s Richmond ATM had been attacked. They looked at recent records from the impacted members and discovered that they had all used our Richmond ATM between Friday, May 4th and Saturday, May 5th. They went back and watched video surveillance footage from those dates and discovered a man tampering with the…

Money Matters Vlog: The Basics of Homebuying

PCCU’s Education Director Kim Welch is our resident Vlogger on money matters. She recently worked with PCCU Home Loan Specialist Amy Clark to create a series of videos dedicated to helping you understand the homebuying process. These videos are full of helpful information you can use to buy your first or next home. But she can’t cover every possibility in a few five minute videos, so if you have a different experience or a problem…

At PCCU You Can Do Better: Free BillPay

At PCCU you can do better! We offer our Ultimate Checking, which is free when you select estatements. But did you know it also includes free BillPay? Yes, you read that right, BillPay is free! So why is BillPay such a big deal? It puts you back in charge of paying your bills. When you allow your creditors to take the payments out on their schedule it’s a big hassle trying to get them to…

Member Service Surveys Coming in August

In February we sent survey postcards to half of our members. In August, we will send postcards to the other half. If you receive a survey we would appreciate you taking a few minutes to let us know what you think about the credit union, both what we are doing well, as well as areas where you think we could improve. Your feedback will help us improve. We respect any member’s desire to remain anonymous.…

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