PCCU Newsletter - November 2018

Holiday Solutions For You

Need some extra money for the holidays this year? PCCU is ready to help make the holiday season shine just a bit brighter this year with several options. We make right-sized personal loans, in amounts as small as $500, that help you solve problems. Whether it’s how to pay for Christmas gifts until you can get your tax refund in the New Year, or paying for an unexpected trip or car repair, we’ll make personal…

Referring A New Member Is Easy

Do you have a friend, co-worker, or loved one who could do better at PCCU? Maybe they are paying too high a rate on their auto loan or mortgage? Maybe they are paying too many fees on their checking account? Want to help them start saving money at PCCU? With just a few clicks you can share membership in the PCCU cooperative by social media, email, or even by texting a link, just click on…

@PCCU You Can Do Better: Christmas Clubs & Skip-A-Pay

Many members make paying for the holidays easier by having a bit of their direct deposit land in a Christmas Club savings account all year long. Then on November 1st, those funds are transferred into their Regular Share to use for holiday expenses. You can start one today to begin planning for next year, learn more here. Some also plan to take a holiday from their loan payments. For a $25 fee many members are…

Member Appreciation Days 2018 – Thank You

Thank you to all of the members who came out and enjoyed some pie with us during our recent Member Appreciation Days. On Thursday, Friday, and Saturday October 18th, 19th, and 20th we served up some of Wick’s delicious pumpkin and sugarcreme pies, along with hot and cold apple cider as our way of saying thank you for your membership. For more than 85 years the members of PCCU, working men and women, have invested…

PCCU’s 30-Day Loans Beat Payday Loans

Did you know 46% of Americans would have a tough time coming up with $400 in an emergency? Although $400 may not seem like that much money to some people, what would you do if your car broke down and it’s still a week until payday? Or your child needs money for picture day or a field trip that all of their friends are going on? Many people see no option but taking out a…

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