PCCU Newsletter - October 2019

Members Got on the Bus in August

As the kids went back to school in August PCCU went into overdrive collecting money for our Hoosier Explorers Field Trip Fund. Staff in all three offices sold “bus passes” that members could put their names or brief messages on for a donation of $1 or more. The Richmond office raised almost $99… The Hagerstown office raised $308… And the New Castle office stole the show with $418! Thanks to the generosity of PCCU members…

Paying It Forward

Maybe it was mom or grandpa who first brought you to the credit union, helped you open your account. Or maybe it was a friend or co-worker “in the know” who sent you to the place that had taken care of them. They knew the credit union was the place you went to chase your dreams. Whether it was saving up for your first car, buying your first home or saving for retirement, they knew…

Member Appreciation Days 2019

We love our members! Without you there would be no PCCU. To show our gratitude for your continued investment in membership we invite you to join us on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, October 17th, 18th, and 19th for Member Appreciation Days. We will be serving Mrs. Wick’s pumpkin pie, hot cider and coffee, free to our members. We will also have 2020 calendars for your wall or pocket available on a first come, first served…

To Refi or Not?

Every time the mortgage rates drop, it’s tempting to make a call to your credit union to see what kind of a deal you can get to refinance your home. Before you make that call, take a moment to learn why there’s more to refinancing than just the attractive lower rate.   Why are you interested in refinancing? Lower rates, smaller monthly payments and fixed rates are all good reasons to consider refinancing your home.…

PCCU Helps Fight Child Hunger in Richmond

Recently a call went out on Facebook requesting help at Test Intermediate School in Richmond. They were running low on snacks for their fifth grade students and needed help from the community. Perfect Circle Credit Union answered that call. On Wednesday, August 14th Jason Burdette, Vice President of Member Services went to Test with a gift of $250 to help keep students full and ready to learn. Test Principal Karianne Polk-Meek was grateful for the…

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