PCCU Newsletter - February 2020

Hoosier Explorers Field Trip Fund Reaches New Heights

Thanks to the generosity of members and staff we collected over $2,289 in 2019 to help local fourth graders see more of Indiana with the Hoosier Explorers Field Trip Fund. That’s an 11% increase over the 2018 total, and it helped to pay the transportation costs of ten different field trips for students in Henry and Wayne counties. It’s also a perfect example of the “people helping people” philosophy that drives PCCU. With your help…

Time to Switch to Ultimate Checking

Did you know that every time you use a debit card to pay for a purchase that a small slice of that transaction goes back to the financial institution that issued that card? That small slice is the foundation of PCCU’s Ultimate Checking account. Because PCCU is a co-operative we share a portion of those proceeds with the members who help generate them.  We will pay you 2.25% APY interest on the first $10,000 in your…

Home Ownership – An Achievable Goal for 2020

Have you been dreaming about buying your first home but thought that it was just that, only a dream? Worried that your credit score might be too low or your savings might not be enough to get the ball rolling? The reality is that it may be easier than you thought! Think your credit score is holding you back?  That it has to be 700+ to get you in the door? Guess again. The minimum…

Member Service Survey 2020

We’re sending survey postcards to thousands of members. They’ll hit the mail in early February and we’d appreciate you taking a couple of minutes to let us know what you think. The postcards are postage paid so you can just put in your mailbox, no need to worry about a stamp. You are also welcome to drop it off at any branch. Either way, your feedback is important to us and helps us improve. Please…

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