PCCU Newsletter - June 2020

COVID-19 Response – June Update

Throughout the pandemic PCCU members have been great! We appreciate the patience and understanding you’ve shown. Our frontline staff, especially our MSRs, have been incredible with their devotion to member service day in and day out. Please let them know how much you value their dedication and perseverance in the face of extraordinary conditions! We know some folks are having a tough time right now. If you or someone you know could use financial advice…

PCCU Connects Kids to Schools and the World in Richmond

PCCU started the Hoosier Explorers Field Trip Fund several years ago to help local public schools take students on more field trips in Indiana. PCCU staff and members have given generously to this fund and helped many local kids explore their home state. When schools began to shutter in mid-March, it wiped out many of these trips that had already been greenlight, and kept numerous others from going past the planning stage. So PCCU began…

Ready to Refi?

Over the last few months the race has been on to refinance home loans. If you’ve never done a refi you might wonder what the big deal is about them. Here are a few big reasons why people are taking advantage of these historically low rates. Dropping the interest rate on their loan. Rates are so low right now that many people can shave at least a full point off of their home loan rate.…

PCCU Card Security App Puts You In Control

Multi-tasking while being-on-the-go is an everyday thing. The trick is finding the best tools to support our mobile lifestyles. PCCU members looking for a way to make managing their cards easier with added security, now have great new app available. Our PCCU Card Security App, developed with our members in mind, brings together all the most popular card management features and seamlessly presents them on a single platform. After easy download and installation, members simply…

ClickSwitch: Make the Change On Easy Mode

You’ve opened your account at PCCU and you’d like to take advantage of the many great products and services. Ultimate Checking and it’s 2.25% APY interest are calling your name. But the HR department is working from home, or you’re working from home. Either way it seems like a complicated hassle. But it doesn’t have to be. With our ClickSwitch Service, we can help you make the change quickly and painlessly. Here’s how it works:…

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