PCCU Newsletter - October 2021

PCCU’s Perfect Flex

Introducing PCCU’s new personal financial education Zoom classes — Perfect Flex!  Perfect Flex is a series of personal financial education events designed to help you achieve financial success in a variety of categories…all in the comfort of your own home!  Perfect Flex is fun…it’s easy…and it will help you flex your financial power!!! Your host, Kim Welch, PCCU’s Director of Education and Outreach will lead these events with great information and will be fielding your…

PCCU Wants You!

Credit Unions represent what’s best about America, people from different walks of life coming together to help one another improve both their own lives and communities. Where everyone contributes what they can and allowing everyone who participates to benefit in one way or another; in short, a not-for-profit, member owned, and democratically controlled co-operative. Perfect Circle Credit Union  is looking for members that want to make a difference in PCCU’s future!  PCCU will be hosting…

Member Appreciation Days 2021

At PCCU we look forward to Member Appreciation Days every year. We love our members and enjoy this chance to thank you for choosing to do business with us. On Thursday and Friday, October 21st & 22nd, we’ll be giving away caramels from Abbott’s Candy! Abbott’s Candy has been an institution in Hagerstown for more than one hundred years, and their caramels put them on the map. We’ll be giving one of their delicious caramels…

COVID-19: October 2021 Update

PCCU is monitoring reports daily in an effort to do what is best for our members and employees to keep them safe and healthy.   At this time, we will continue to keep our lobbies open.  The lobbies will continue to have plexiglass barriers in place to protect staff and members, as well as stickers on the floor to help us maintain a safer distance. The CDC says vaccinated people no longer require masks, but…

PCCU’s Blackbird Visa

PCCU’s Blackbird Card combines the purchasing power of Visa with a reloadable, prepaid debit card to meet your needs. Shop online without exposing your checking account Pay bills online and over the counter Get cash at ATMs Request your own personalized card with your name imprinted on it at no additional charge Check your balance online Reload with funds from your PCCU account over the phone* Great backup when you travel Available to any member,…

PCCU Members Got On The Bus!

As kids went back to school in August, PCCU opened the bus doors collecting money for our Hoosier Explorers Field Trip Fund.  Staff in all three offices sold “bus passes” that members could put their names or brief messages on for a donation of $1 or more. Thanks to the generosity of PCCU members and staff, we were able to raise more than $425 in August! This money will be used to send for our…

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