PCCU Newsletter - February 2022

Outdoor Adventures & Free Gas at PCCU

For a limited time, get a free $25 gas card when you get preapproved for a Camper, RV, Boat, or Utility Vehicle Loan*! PCCU makes secured loans on all of your favorite outdoor equipment, from RVs and Campers to Boats and ATVs, we’re ready to help you make the most of your outdoor adventures! To make the great outdoors affordable we offer: A wide range of flexible terms. Rates competitive with the dealers. Skip-A-Pay For…

“Show Your Love” for the Hoosier Explorers Field Trip Fund

For only $1 you can “Show Your Love” and help more Wayne and Henry county students go on an adventure!   In February, we’ll be offering you a chance to “Show Your Love” to the Hoosier Explorer Field Trip Fund.  When you donate $1 or more to the fund you’ll get a “Show Your Love” heart to decorate. You can use it to cheer on your hometown team, “Good Luck Richmond!”, “Go Tigers!”, or “Trojans…

Member Survey 2022

We’re sending survey postcards to thousands of members. They’ll hit the mail in the month of February and we’d appreciate you taking a couple of minutes to let us know what you think. We want to know what you think! The postcards are postage paid so you can just put in your mailbox, no need to worry about a stamp. You are also welcome to drop it off at any branch. Either way, your feedback…

Ultimate Checking – Time to Switch!

Did you know that every time you use a debit card to make a purchase a small slice of that transaction goes back to the financial institution that issued the card? That small slice is the foundation of PCCU’s Ultimate Checking account. Because PCCU is a co-operative we share a portion of those proceeds with the members who help generate them. If you use a PCCU debit card for ten purchases of $20 or more…

Home Loan Options to Meet Your Needs

Did you know that PCCU offers home loans? And not just your standard 30 Year Fixed home loans either. We have a variety of home loans to meet members’ needs whether there are challenges with credit or saving a down payment. Here are a number of different options for you, whether you’re a first time home buyer or not: HomeReady: Have good credit, but not much of a down payment saved? HomeReady may be the loan…

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