As the kids went back to school in August PCCU went into overdrive collecting money for our Hoosier Explorers Field Trip Fund. Staff in all three offices sold “bus passes” that members could put their names or brief messages on for a donation of $1 or more.
The Richmond office raised almost $99…
The Hagerstown office raised $308…
And the New Castle office stole the show with $418!
Thanks to the generosity of PCCU members and staff, we were able to raise more than $800 in August! This money will send more local fourth graders on more field trips around Indiana in the 2019-2020 school year.
Before the month was out the requests for field trip funding began to come in. Centerville, Shenandoah, and Nettle Creek fourth grade teachers have all requested funding for trips to Conner Prairie in the coming year.
Thank you to the members who gave so much! Thank you also to the staff who worked so hard to collect it all, and donated more than a little themselves! Bus pass sales may be over for now, but you may still donate to the Field Trip Fund whenever you like. Either in our branches, or by sending a secure message via PCCU AllWays Mobile or Online Banking.
Are you a teacher or administrator of fourth grade public school students in Henry or Wayne County? Would you like to know how you can get funding for field trips? Visit the Hoosier Explorers Field Trip Fund page where you can learn more and even apply for funding online.