Have you been helped by the credit union and want to pay it forward?
Believe in the Credit Union Movement?
Ready for a challenge?
Consider serving on PCCU’s Board of Directors!
We’re looking for diverse candidates from across the membership who will bring new ideas and fresh perspectives to the Board. You can make difference with just a curious mind and a few hours a month!
Board Chairperson Clint Hardin Invites Members to Serve
Board Chairperson Clint Hardin Invites You to Serve on the Board of Directors of PCCU.
Join us for dinner at Willie & Red’s in Hagerstown on Monday, April 11th at 6:30 pm. You’ll be able to meet current Board members and ask them about their experiences. Just RSVP below to reserve your seat!
Board Service Informational Meeting RSVP
RSVP to attend an informational meeting about serving on the PCCU Board of Directors and/or Supervisory Committee.