Vision Statement
It is our vision to be a respected leader in the financial services community by nurturing a relationship culture that empowers our members and our staff to achieve their life goals.
Mission Statement
It is our mission to create a mutually profitable relationship with you, our members, while:
- Keeping the avenues of communication open, by listening, by caring and by being responsive to your needs.
- Providing you with products and services of value.
- Creating the perfect service experience.
- Enabling unlimited access to your accounts through progressive technology systems.
- Committing ourselves to continuing financial education for everyone’s success.
The Great Depression left working families in Wayne & Henry Counties without access to credit or a sound institution for saving money. The Teetor Family, owners of the Perfect Circle Piston Ring Company, saw the burden this put on their employees and urged them to form a credit union. The employees organized a board of directors and with sixteen original members the credit was granted a certificate of organization on March 28, 1932, more than two years before President Franklin D. Roosevelt would sign the Federal Credit Union Act.
Membership was extended to employees in the New Castle and Tipton plants in 1934, which allowed the credit union to grow, as did the inclusion of the Richmond plant employees in 1945. When the Dana Corporation later purchased Perfect Circle it added growth outside of Indiana as membership was offered to employees at a number of Dana plants.

Management of the credit union remained with PC employees until the early 1970s, when professional staff were hired, though the offices remained in the Hagerstown PC plant until 1988. By that time the size of the membership and their service demands required that the credit union build it’s own office outside of the factory. Branches were then added in Richmond and New Castle in 1993 and 1998 respectively.
In 2003 PCCU’s field of membership was opened to allow anyone living or working in Wayne & Henry Counties to join. Then another branch was added in 2005, followed by Saturday hours in 2007. In response to the changes in the area and the challenges of the Great Recession the Richmond branches were consolidated into one office at the end of 2010, with every last employee retained.

PCCU is the oldest credit union in Wayne & Henry Counties because of the loyalty of it’s membership. Though we’ve had to adapt to the challenges of the day, our commitment to serving our members has never wavered. Regardless of what the future holds, our service to our membership and their dedication to the credit union will enable us to move forward and meet it with confidence. Thank you for your continued membership, please pass on the tradition of membership to the next generation. We’re ready to help them get a good start, with financial education and helping build their credit, so they can earn their American dream.