PCCU was founded by working people in 1932, during some of the hardest times of the Great Depression. Working people with a goal of coming together to find solutions to the problems of their day, to help see one another through dark days to better times.
Much like our founders we’re here to help members carry on through tough times. We know many of you have been impacted by the extraordinary measures we’re all taking to help flatten the curve of the Covid-19 pandemic, to protect the most vulnerable among us. Doing our part to keep our heroic health care workers and first responders from being overwhelmed. These efforts are leaving some with reduced hours at work while others have been laid off.
While our lobbies will remain closed for the foreseeable future, we invite you to reach out and tell us how you have been impacted and how me might best help you get through to the other side. We know each of you have your own individual story and many will require your own individualized solution. One that fits you and your situation. Call or email us, let us know what your story is and we will work with you to find the best solution.
The Great Depression didn’t last forever because Americans came together in common purpose and worked together. These hard times will be overcome in the same manner, all of us working together to see one another through. So talk to us, tell us your story, and we’ll work with you to find a way forward. Because we still believe in working together.