PCCU Wants You!

Credit Unions represent what’s best about America, people from different walks of life coming together to help one another improve both their own lives and communities. Where everyone contributes what they can and allowing everyone who participates to benefit in one way or another; in short, a not-for-profit, member owned, and democratically controlled co-operative.  As such, a credit union cannot function without dedicated, caring people to chart the course for the future. These people are the volunteers that give their time and talent on behalf of their fellow members.

Volunteering in an organization of this size and complexity is both challenging and rewarding providing many opportunities for personal and professional growth. Your service makes a real impact on the quality of life in the communities we serve. If you want to channel your time and talent into a meaningful experience we are certain there is no better way than to volunteer for your credit union.

There are two ways you can serve PCCU. Your credit union is governed by a Board of Directors elected annually by the membership. Oversight of the board and management is performed by a three-member Supervisory Committee that is also elected by the membership. Read further to understand which role may be your best fit.

What is the Board’s role?

The specific job outputs of the board, as an informed agent of the ownership, are those that ensure the appropriate organizational performance. The board has direct responsibility to create the linkage between the ownership, PCCU’s members, and the operational organization. The Board must establish governing policies that realistically address the broadest levels of all organizational decisions and situations. Most central to this is developing policy that defines what benefit PCCU is to achieve, for whom and at what value. The Board also must define limitations for the executive, establish workable levels of delegated authority and devise good monitoring mechanisms. Last but not least, the board must specify how it conceives, carries out and monitors its own tasks.

PCCU Board members should:

  • Enjoy conceptual argument, differing points of view and values clarification
  • Understand that good governance requires a disciplined approach
  • Be prepared to deliberate with many voices but govern with one.
  • Commit to observing the policies it has set for itself
  • Enforce agreed-upon rules among each other
  • Understand that governance is a group effort

The Board of Directors meets monthly. It is estimated that preparation for monthly meetings can take 2-3 hours. Board members do serve on standing committees. Committee work and meetings can take an additional 2-3 hours a quarter. Board members are expected to continue to hone their knowledge and skills by completing educational courses online. This time is estimated to be 1-2 hours monthly. In all, Board service requires a time commitment of 8-10 hours per month.

Associate Directors

Associate Directors will be given an opportunity to see what the Director position entails before they make a full and final commitment to being a regular Director and to show first-hand that they are qualified to perform in the expected capacity. There will be no guarantee that Associate Directors will eventually become regular Board Directors. They will, however, be eligible to serve as a regular Board Director when they meet all the requirements indicated below. Associate Directors will be expected to:

  • Attend and participate in Board meetings. However, they will have no voting powers and may not attend Executive Sessions of the board.
  • Accept committee assignments and work on projects.

Board Member Tim Reagan Invites Members to Serve

Answer the Call to Service

What is the Supervisory Committee’s role?

The Supervisory Committee is required by statute and is primarily responsible for general oversight of the credit union. The committee is responsible for:

  • Ensuring the credit union’s financial statements, taken as a whole, fairly reflect the true financial position of the credit union
  • Ensuring that management practices and procedures are sufficient to safeguard the members’ assets
  • Ensuring that an independent audit is conducted and verification of members’ accounts is completed

The Supervisory Committee meets quarterly to review work completed and plan for the next quarter’s work. It does periodic surprise audits of cash and periodic reviews of loan files to monitor the sufficiency of internal management controls. The audit function does require some flexibility with time. Overall, it is estimated that service on the committee requires a time commitment of 12-16 hours a quarter.

At PCCU, we believe that good governance is at the heart of a strong, vibrant credit union. We are committed to ensuring that when you give of your time and talent you are rewarded with the knowledge that your work truly does make a difference in the lives of the people we serve. The Nominating Committee invites you to complete the online information form. Completing the form does not commit you to service but does allow us to give you more complete information about serving as a PCCU volunteer. We hope you will give it a try!

Want to volunteer? Apply here!


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