Privacy Policy

Perfect Circle Credit Union has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to privacy. The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for this website:

We use your IP address, browser information, and visit trails, to enhance our website for our customers, administrate our website and help diagnose problems with our server.

The Perfect Circle website,, contains links to other sites. Perfect Circle Credit Union is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites.

Our site’s Feedback Form, Loan Application, Credit Card Application, Membership Application, Internet Banking Enrollment Form and SMARTLine Enrollment Form requires users to give us contact information (like their name, address, phone number and email address).

Our site uses online application forms for customers to request information, products, and services. We collect visitor’s unique identifiers (like their social security number), financial information (like their account or credit card numbers), and demographic information (like their zip code, age, or income level). Financial information that is collected is used to check the users’ qualifications for obtaining a loan or credit card through PCCU. Unique identifiers (such as social security numbers) are collected from website visitors to verify the user’s identity and for use as account numbers in our record system. Demographic and profile data is also collected and used to help identify our current members and new members. All data collected from our website is kept confidential and is not sold, distributed, or shared with any outside advertisers.

Our online surveys ask visitors for contact information (like their email address). We may use contact data from our surveys to send the user information about our company. Users may opt-out of receiving future mailings; see the choice/opt-out section below.

PCCU Card Security Mobile Application

The  PCCU Card Security Mobile Application periodically collects and transmits information for enabling features that prevent fraudulent card use and alerts, but only if the End User expressly authorizes collection of such information.  The End User can change their permissions at any time in their device settings.


This site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. We use 128-bit key digital certificates through Verisign Corporation to ensure secure transfer of information data to and from our Internet web servers.

Supplementation Information

This site supplements the information that you provide with information that is received from third parties (such as from credit bureau’s).

Children’s Guideline

PCCU does NOT collect online contact information without prior parental consent or parental notification, which will include an opportunity for the parent to prevent use of the information and participation in the activity. Without prior parental consent, online information will only be used to respond directly to the child’s request and will not be used for other purposes without prior parental consent.

PCCU does NOT collect personally identifiable offline contact information without prior parental consent.

PCCU does NOT distribute to third parties any personally identifiable information without prior parental consent.

PCCU does NOT give the ability to publicly post or otherwise distribute personally identifiable contact information without prior parental consent.

PCCU does NOT entice by the prospect of a special game, prize or other activity, to divulge more information than is needed to participate in the activity.


Our site provides users the opportunity to opt-out of receiving communications from us and our partners at the point where we request information about the visitor.

This site gives users the following options for removing their information from our database to not receive future communications or to no longer receive our service.

You can send email to, use the words UNSUBSCRIBE FROM E-MAIL in the subject of the email message.

You can send mail to the following postal address:
631 E. Main Street
Hagerstown, IN 47346


This site gives users the following options for changing and modifying information previously provided.

You may send mail to the following postal address:
631 E. Main Street
Hagerstown, IN 47346

You may call a customer service representative at 765-489-4571.

Contacting the Website

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this website, you can contact:

Information Systems
Perfect Circle Credit Union
631 E. Main Street
Hagerstown, IN 47346

Please note that e-mail is not a secure method of communication and should not contain personal information like account numbers, social security numbers, etc., since people other than your intended recipient could intercept and read your message.

Please call us at 800-582-7228 to discuss your comment or question if you need to convey sensitive information.

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