Withdrawal of Funds

Account Access & Withdrawals

a. Authorized Signature. Your signature on the Account Card authorizes your account access. We will not be liable for refusing to honor any item or instruction if we believe the signature is not genuine. If you have authorized the use of a facsimile signature, we may honor any draft that appears to bear your facsimile signature even if it was made by an unauthorized person. You authorize us to honor transactions initiated by a third person to whom you have given your account number even if you do not authorize a particular transaction.

b. Access Options. You may withdraw or transfer funds from your account(s) in any manner we permit (e.g., at an automated teller machine, in person, by mail, automatic transfer, or telephone, as applicable). We may return as unpaid any draft drawn on a form we do not provide, and you are responsible for any loss we incur handling such a draft. We have the right to review and approve any form of power of attorney and may restrict account withdrawals or transfers. We are under no obligation to honor any power of attorney.

c. ACH & Wire Transfers. If we provide the service, you may initiate or receive credits or debits to your account through wire or ACH transfer. You agree that if you receive funds by a wire or ACH transfer, we are not required to notify you at the time the funds are received. Instead, the transfer will be shown on your periodic statement. We may provisionally credit your account for an ACH transfer before we receive final settlement. We may reverse the provisional credit or you will refund us the amount if we do not receive final settlement. When you initiate a wire transfer, you may identify either the recipient or any financial institution by name and by account or identifying number. The Credit Union (and other institutions) may rely on the account or other identifying number as the proper identification even if it identifies a different party or institution.

d. Credit Union Examination. We may disregard information on any draft or check, other than the signature of the drawer, the amount and any magnetic encoding. You agree we do not fail to exercise ordinary care in paying an item solely because our procedures do not provide for sight examination of items.

Transaction Limitations

a. Withdrawal Restrictions. We permit withdrawals only if your account has sufficient available funds to cover the full amount of the withdrawal or you have an established overdraft protection plan. Drafts or other transfer or payment orders which are drawn against insufficient funds may be subject to a service charge set forth in the Rate and Fee Schedule. If there are sufficient funds to cover some, but not all, of your withdrawal, we may allow those withdrawals for which there are sufficient funds in any order at our discretion.

We may refuse to allow a withdrawal in some situations, and will advise you accordingly; for example:

(1) a dispute between account owners (unless a court has ordered the Credit Union to allow the withdrawal);
(2) a legal garnishment or attachment is served;
(3) the account secures any obligation to us;
(4) required documentation has not been presented;
(5) you fail to repay a Credit Union loan on time. We may require you to give written notice of seven (7) days to sixty (60) days before any intended withdrawals.

b. Transfer Limitations. For share savings and money market accounts, if applicable, you may make up to six (6) preauthorized, automatic, telephonic, or audio response transfers to another account of yours or to a third party during any calendar month. Of these six, you may make no more than three (3) transfers to a third party by check or debit card. A preauthorized transfer includes any arrangement with us to pay a third party from your account upon oral or written orders received through the automated clearing house (ACH). You may make unlimited transfers to any of your accounts or to any Credit Union loan account and may make withdrawals in person, by mail, or at an ATM. However, we may refuse or reverse a transfer that exceeds these limitations and may assess fees against, suspend, or close your account.

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